In this page...

  • We are Òmnium Cultural ?
  • Catalonia... an opressed nation.
  • Catalonia in figures.

    Òmnium Cultural

    We are a twenty thousand people from everywhere in CATALONIA, women and men fighting for our catalan language and culture.

    ÒMNIUM CULTURAL is an historical association in defending this legitimate national catalan objective.


    catalonia Although the travel brochures may not have nade it clear to you, you are on Catalan soil.
    You are in Catalonia, a country inhabited by a people different from the others in the Iberia Peninsula.The catalans, together more 10 milion people (Catalonia extends from Salses in French state to Guardamar in spanish state and also includes the Balearic Islands) have their own language and culture.

    This has come about not by chance but by collective effort. Catalonia has been forged over more than a thousand years of history and this relations, in art, in fiestas,... wich have nothing to do with bullfights and flamenco. All these features are alive, despite the centralised, mited concessions wich Catalans institutions have won back.

    As civilised pearson in favour of individual rights we ask you to make a small effort to know and understand the country wich welcomes you and to realise that is a distinct nation. Through this you try.

    In this way, while you are on holidays, together with the catalans, you will contribute to a united Europe in wich all peoples and historical nations participate equally on the basis of solidarity and justice for all. We thank you for your acceptance of the catalan people.

    Catalonia in figures:

    Area: 69,031 km2 (13.0 % of the Spanish state and 0.75 % of the French state) 22th-23th place between 28 European States.
    Population: 10,094,127 inhabitants (26.3 % of the Spanish State and 0.56 % of the French State) 12th-13th place between 28 European States.
    Density: 156.1 inhabitants/Km2. 9th-10th place between 28 European States.
    Area of catalan language: 95.7 % of the land.

    Welcome to Catalonia!